SBAOG Christmas Eve 2022
We're so proud of our Youth and Young Adults. Shoutout to everyone who had a hand in the Christmas program. Thank you all for making Hawaii, Mexico, Tonga and our beloved Samoa come to life. It was a simple task but everyone put their talent into it from the costumes, to the language, to the culture to the representation of each nation, ALL to glorify God. A HUGE shoutout to the best Mary, Joseph and Baby Jesus we've ever seen, Thank you ASU Family! Pastor was fumbling with his words near tears that ya'll accepted his request, then brought it to life. Our kids are growing so fast, I love pictures because it has the ability to freeze time, capture that moment, and cherish it forever. We love ya'll. This is OUR space. I try to keep it updated as much as time permits. Enjoy your memories. #sbaogstrong Ladies at the end of the night. Ant and the kids outdoors. Mama Lisi and the bunch. Fave pic! Lisi and the future SBAOG. These are tomorrow's Leaders, missionary's,